Our Submarine Float Project

Click Here for Building Progress Pictures

This work has been a labor of love, and completed almost entirely by shipmate Ken Smith.

The building phase completed, The Barb is ready for painting.

An attempted panorama (??) to give an idea of its size (approximately 17 feet) in Ken's garage


This is a replica of a Gato Class boat, the USS Barb, (SS-220), as was commanded by Eugene B. Fluckey.

19 September, 2009, the submarine is ready for its trailer.

Now mounted on its trailer, and ready for deployment.

Now, "Ken's Shipyard" can become a garage again.

Its first appearance in a parade Sunday, 25 October, 2009, in Mountainhome, PA.
Sunday's participants (L to R)
Mike Smith, Bob Smith, Frank McDevitt, Ken Smith, Jerry Zeman, Bill Klose, Rich Holmes, Tom Shields, Tom Crosby

The Barb was on display for two weeks in the lobby of Mt. Airy Casino Resort,
remaining there through their Salute to American Veterans Weekend, 6, 7, & 8 November, 2009.

St. Patrick's Day Parade, Stroudsburg, PA, 21 Mar, 2010
Photos Courtesy of Pocono Irish American Club, Parade Organizers

Memorial Day , 31 May, 2010 -Launch Day, Click Image to View.

At the fair, August 2011

For any additions, or corrections to content, please contact the webmaster
Last upkeep   6 OCTOBER, 2021.